Monday, 21 February 2022

Frame study of 'The Great Dictator'

Hello everyone ,

 Today i write Blog about frame study of 'The Great Dictator' by Charli Chaplin as part of thinking activity given by our professor Dr. Dilip Barad sir.

The Great Dictator, American comedy film released in 1940, that Charlie Chaplin both acted in and directed. Satirizing Adolf Hitler and Nazism and condemning anti-Semitism, it was Chaplin’s most successful film at the box office.

In “The Great Dictator,” Chaplin stars in two roles, the dictator of Tomania — based explicitly on Adolf Hitler, spewing hate speeches in mock German. The Great Dictator was a political satire, denouncing Hitler, Mussolini, the Nazis, and anti-Semitism. It was Chaplin’s first full sound production and had five Academy Awards nominations.

First frame :-

In the very first frame of the movie we can see size of the machinary is too much bigger than size of human, so soldiers didn't able to control it and everything messed up.

Second frame:-

Second frame about memory loss of protagonist and we can say Barber who is in leading role. He met with an accident and lost his memory but when he wake up that time government changed and he wasn't aware about this and for that he had to suffer a lot.

Third frame:-
Third frame is about speech of Hynkel, who is ruler and everyone listen him and believed in him.Crowd came to listen Hynkel and support him. The language he used by political party  for speech is about soldiers which is very significant and powerful to provoke people.

Fourth frame :-

Chaplin’s use of symbolism throughout the movie went beyond just entertainment. His transformation of the swastika into the double-cross  was probably the most prominent of these, as it is displayed constantly throughout the film. 

Fifth frame:-

In this frame we saw that whenever he get time, artists are waiting outside to make his sculpture and portrait. This show that how he is interested in self love and put everywhere his portrait.

Sixth frame :-

Two officers of Hynkel try to make symbols of cross on the shop of Barber and Barber stop him , as he didn't aware about ruler was change.

Seventh frame :-

Hennah female protagonist who save all the time Barber from the Hynkel's people. And somewhere both liked eachother.

Eight frame :- 

In this frame we saw that how Hynkel was nervous he gave good speech but he can't able do eye contact with other and talk through phone.

Nine frame:-

For dictator kind of personality Photography is more important than the actual work. 

Ten frame :-

They always show their love for children and try to click photos whenever they got chance to do, because they want to hide their crime and bad thought.

Final speech :-

Final speech is considered as best speech in any movie and in this movie also final speech consider as hope for people.

Thank you for visiting:)

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